Sunday 15 February 2009

This time it's for real

After the success of my 'test blog' I have decided to continue in earnest. No more shilly shallying for me. Oh no. This time it's for real. Rather like I told my wife last night.

My good lady wife and I spent Valentine's Night watching two episodes of the 80's classic Lovejoy. Secretly I think she quite likes his roguish charm. Although it may not be so secret as she said, "I like his roguish charm," last night as we watched him flirt endlessly with anyone of the female persuasion. Perhaps he reminds her of me. That is sans mullet of course.

The joy of Lovejoy is its simple wonderfulness. Its joyous embrace of its own naffness and the holes in the plot line that you could drive a clapped out Morris through. Crass characterisation mixed with the odd line of brilliance.

Death and Venice sees the eponymous hero head for Italy on the trail of a shady organisation intent on well... stealing Venice. Preposterous but so silly as to be the best TV I've watched since 1986. Essex actors with dark hair and cod Italian accents - oh joy Meester Loovejoy! The only real Italian actor had a Neapolitan brogue. Bearing in mind that this is 1986 it's clear with only a passing knowledge of Italian history that the chances of a Venetian employing a Neapolitan in Venice is as likely as a Lovejoy and Lady Jane getting it on in a down and dirty sort of way. Venetians are notoriously... well let's just say that the island mentality is not uniquely British.

After all that excitement we needed a little light sedative so we popped in the DVD of Debby does Dallas - no not really - we popped in the DVD of Cloverfield. Mostly it was just to see how it was shot. That'll be handycam all the way then. We only watched the first few minutes - it was Valentine's Night and bed time - for tonight we'll finish it but here are a few thoughts:

1. It has a bigger budget than I expected - had I foreseen another Blair Witch? Was that lazy handycam referencing on my part? Yes to both.

2. The opening is like a bad episode of Beverly Hills 90210 (the original).

3. Whatever is eating the people of NYC will it please hurry up and chow down on the main characters as they are a torturous bunch of cretins.

4. I like the idea of a disaster movie shot on a camcorder.

More thoughts sometime in the future... and I still don't know what Html is...

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